
Local networks
that bring food
back to life.

In Canada, almost 60% of food is wasted.

Fortunately, it is possible to breed edible insects  from clean, traceable residue.

These super foods, high in protein, vitamins and minerals,  are produced ecologically 

and help to combat GHG emissions.

This is what TriCycle does,

at the urban and local scale


The production of edible insects requires less inputs , less water , less space and emits less CO2 than raising beef, pigs or even poultry. But that is not all … But that is not all …


Dried or powdered mealworms are excellent sources of protein , fiber , vitamins B12 , zinc and and iron. But our research goes even further …


Although billions of people around the world regularly consume insects,the culinary opportunities of this food are still little known here. But we are working with chefs to change that …

Order online

Free delivery everywhere in Quebec for orders over 30$!

Organic fertilizer

100%insect manure, approved for organic farming

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Check out our Questions Fair to ease all your questions…

Click here to learn more!

Job openings and internships...

We are currently looking for serious candidates who would like to get involved in our community!

everything you need
know about the EntoTechno showcase

Our partners

Without them, the circular economy would not be circular at all...

On garde contact?

Insectes comestibles

Séchés, en poudre ou vivants

Engrais organique naturel

Entotechnologies, accompagnement, etc.

Keep in touch?

Edible insects

Dried, powdered or alive

Natural organic fertilizer

Entotechnologies, support, etc.